(1) The first time I measured my food at a restaurant I was in Florida with my brother and his wife. Very little protein in the salad I ordered so I used my back-up small portable proteins. I didn't have them in a container so they kept rolling off the plate onto the floor.

(2) Having my GS lunch disappear at work from the faculty refrigerator. I was running around like a mad woman only to find out someone had moved it to another refrigerator.

(3) Staying at motels while waiting to move into my RI house, stressful, frantic. Came back one night with my dog. Both exhausted. I found out I didn't have enough oil for my salad so I had to redress and go out again.

(4) I still find measuring in front of people in restaurants difficult. People are talking to me while I'm trying to measure my food. Last year while visiting Fairfield, CT, I ate dinner with a friend. The diner manager told me that I wasn't to come back with my own food again. Glad he didn't tell me while I was eating. I'm often looked at with surprise or humor when I'm measuring. Still bothers me, which is why I seldom eat out. I also prefer my GS food.