Once a month, the Board of Trustees chair convenes a meeting of the Chairs of World Service Conference committees and Intergroup Service Representatives of the intergroups. Chairs-elect and ISRs-elect are also invited to this meeting. The purpose of this group is to consider the implications of any proposal on each committee, intergroup, and GSA as a whole. The review is a three-month process so that the Chairs and ISRs have time to discuss the proposal with their members and bring their input back to the originating committee. Only when the Chairs/ISRs approve a proposal with two thirds unanimity does it go to the Board of Trustees for consideration.
GreySheeters Anonymous World Services Conference Committees work year-round to prepare motions for the upcoming conference and execute decisions made at the previous conferences.
To be a voting member of a committee, you must be a conference delegate (GSR, ISR, or Trustee). Any GSA member with 90 days of back-to-back abstinence can serve as a volunteer on a committee.
The Communication Committee holds monthly meetings for Conference Committee chairs to talk about the work they're doing. These meetings provide World Service Conference delegates with an opportunity to ask questions about motions and recommendations before the conference. GSRs, ISRs, and Trustees are explicitly invited to attend in order to prepare for the conference, but these meetings are open to the entire fellowship.
Committees Connecting meetings take place on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 12 pm ET on Zoom (663-470-166). Come find out what your trusted servants are doing to support the fellowship!
Archives Committee Minutes
Regular Meeting and Contact
First Sunday of the month at 1100 ET via FreeConferenceCall.com Video/Phone
Contact email address: archives@greysheet.org
The purpose of the Archives Committee is to collect, organize, categorize, copy, preserve and electronically store historically valued documents, digital materials, printed materials, and historical items of GreySheeters Anonymous World Services, Inc.
Communication Committee Minutes
Regular Meeting and Contact
Second Saturday of the month at 0900 ET via Zoom
Contact email address: communication@greysheet.org
The purpose of the Communication Committee is to facilitate communication and promote collaboration among the compulsive eater who still suffers, the GreySheeters Anonymous membership, the World Service Conference committees and caucuses and the General Service Board.
Conference Committee Minutes
Regular Meeting and Contact
Alternate Mondays at 1830 ET via Zoom
Contact email address: conference@greysheet.org
The Conference Committee is responsible for all aspects of the GreySheeters Anonymous World Service Conference (WSC) planning, communication, registration and operations. The Committee seeks information on where and when to hold the next WSC. The Conference Committee presents the final selection of the venue, city, hotel or retreat center based on the prior WSC vote and the committee’s research. The Conference Committee takes into consideration the financial health of our fellowship.
The Conference Committee prepares the Registration Packet with information regarding the WSC including an online registration link and direct link to PayPal. The Conference Committee works closely with the Board of Trustees’ treasurer, president, the Website Committee, Communication Committee and Structure Committee. The Conference Committee registers delegates and verifies eligibility to serve as a conference delegate to accredit each registrant. The Committee prepares an accreditation report for the conference.
The Conference Committee coordinates the entire conference weekend with the venue, including meals, special food requests, rooms, conference materials, and name tags. If the conference is held virtually, the committee makes all the arrangements with the virtual meeting service.
Finance Committee Minutes
Regular Meeting and Contact
First Sunday of every other month at 1200 ET via Zoom
Contact email address: treasurer@greysheet.org
The Finance Committee’s role is one of assistance and oversight. We assist the GSAWS Board by helping prepare budgets, by reviewing financial statements, by assuring adherence to policies and procedures, and by insuring the performance of an annual audit or review .
The Finance Committee aids the fellowship, at large, by sharing experiences and best practices with groups and intergroups regarding questions about group finances, for instance bank accounts, seventh tradition donations, tax I.D. numbers and IRS deductions, and the needs of various entities in the GSA fellowship.
Literature Committee Minutes
Regular Meeting and Contact
Third Sunday of the month at 1430 ET via Zoom
Contact email address: literature@greysheet.org
The purpose of the Literature Committee is to create clear and concise pieces of literature that are helpful to both compulsive eaters and food addicts who still suffer and those who are maintaining their GreySheet abstinence. Our aim is to present every aspect of the GreySheeters Anonymous program of recovery in written form. Literature includes books, pamphlets, leaflets, and other material that is reviewed and approved for distribution to our members, friends, professionals, and to the world at large. The work of the Literature Committee happens between World Service Conferences.
Nominating Committee Minutes
Regular Meeting and Contact
First Thursday of the month at 2030 ET via Zoom
Contact email address: nominating@greysheet.org
The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to select qualified candidates for nomination by the World Service Conference and election by the Board of Trustees to serve on the Board of Trustees. In years without a World Service Conference, the Nominating Committee suggests candidates directly to the Board of Trustees.
Public Information Committee Minutes
Regular Meeting and Contact
First Sunday of the month at 1000 ET via Zoom
Contact email address: PIC@greysheet.org
The purpose of the Public Information Committee is to provide information about the GreySheeters Anonymous (GSA) solution to the public at the national and international levels. The Public Information Committee strives to provide experience, strength and hope along with public information materials to those working at the local level to inform their communities that there is a solution to compulsive eating.
Minutes: Structure Committee Minutes
Regular Meetings:
Second Sunday at 10:30 am Eastern Time to 11:30 am Eastern Time via Zoom.
Contact email address: structure@greysheet.org
Just as GreySheet builds a foundation for our lives and guidelines for our food, the Structure Committee builds a foundation for the house that is GreySheeters Anonymous, and guidelines for the fellowship.
The purpose of the Structure Committee is to make recommendations for GreySheeters Anonymous (GSA) service structure by drafting policies and procedures to be included in our Service Manual and Conference Charter.
Policies and procedures which are approved by the Structure Committee, go through the Intergroup Service Representatives (ISRs), World Service Conference (WSC) committee chairs, and the Board of Trustees. If they are approved by those groups, they are considered interim policies and procedures until they are adopted or not adopted at the following conference.
Website Committee Minutes
Regular Meeting and Contact
Second Sunday 1300 ET Zoom
Meeting ID: 152 337 713
The Website Committee manages one of the four core functions to accomplish the Vision for World Service: “Whenever anyone, anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of GreySheet.”
The committee is responsible for ensuring that our website, greysheet.org, is one of the first results when someone searches online for a solution to their problem with food, that the website provides answers to frequently asked questions, and that the site makes it easy for newcomers to get started in our program. In addition to these three ways our site directly serves our primary purpose, the website also provides resources for individuals, groups, and intergroups to support their own abstinence and to carry the message.