Minutes: Structure Committee Minutes
Regular Meetings:
Second Sunday at 10:30 am Eastern Time to 11:30 am Eastern Time via Zoom.
Contact email address: structure@greysheet.org
Just as GreySheet builds a foundation for our lives and guidelines for our food, the Structure Committee builds a foundation for the house that is GreySheeters Anonymous, and guidelines for the fellowship.
The purpose of the Structure Committee is to make recommendations for GreySheeters Anonymous (GSA) service structure by drafting policies and procedures to be included in our Service Manual and Conference Charter.
Policies and procedures which are approved by the Structure Committee, go through the Intergroup Service Representatives (ISRs), World Service Conference (WSC) committee chairs, and the Board of Trustees. If they are approved by those groups, they are considered interim policies and procedures until they are adopted or not adopted at the following conference.
- Change GSA World Services Structure: La Comunidad Hispana
- Change GSA World Services Structure: South Central Intergroup.
- Role of the Intergroup Service Representative
- Standing Rules of Order for Committees
- An amendment to the Group Registration Document entitled Group Welcome Packet
- An amendment to the Archives Committee proposal entitled Retention of Records and Recordings, called the Minutes Template, which applies to GSA World Service Committees and is suggested as a format for Intergroups.
During 2023-2024, the Structure Committee will continue to draft policies and procedures as needed by the fellowship and to finalize our Service Manual and Conference Charter.