Every GreySheeters Anonymous Group Service Representative (GSR) and Intergroup Service Representative (ISR) is required to serve on at least one GSA World Service Conference Committee so that their group has a voice in World Services. That way, GSAWS benefits from their experience and perspective even if the group or intergroup is unable to raise the funds to send that GSR or ISR to that year's conference.
Committee Expectations
Notwithstanding any expectations set by individual committees, all committee members are expected to
- Actively work to complete agreed tasks and report progress to their committee.
- Fully update the incoming committee members when they rotate off the committee, so they can continue the work.
- If the committee has set additional expectations for committee members, the chair of that committee shall inform the Secretary so that only eligible and willing GSRs are placed on the committee.
In addition to any specific duties outlined by that committee for its chair, all committee chairs are expected to
- Schedule and facilitate regular meetings of their committee.
- Ensure that the committee has a secretary who keeps records of the committee’s work, stores them in the committee folder in GSAWS Google Drive, and submits them to the Archivist.
- Work with the Board of Trustees Liaison to keep the Board of Trustees informed of the committee’s progress and needs.
- Work with the World Services Treasurer to submit their anticipated financial needs by the budget deadline the Treasurer determines.
- Report to the World Service Conference annually in writing the work the committee has done.
- Submit this written report in the format and by the deadline determined by the Secretary and Conference Committee.
- Submit any necessary motions, supporting information, and related documents to the Secretary by the deadline so that she can create the conference
Condensed Procedure for Sustaining Committees
Terms of service for GSRs, ISRs, and Trustees rotate after each World Service Conference. When a GSR, ISR, or Trustee steps down, the committee(s) they served on lose a member. To avoid chaos and keep committees operating smoothly, the Conference has instituted the following procedure proposed by the Structure Committee in 2021. The complete procedure is included in the GSA Service Manual.
This procedure does not prohibit committees from choosing their own committee members from amongst those qualified candidates who approach the committee to express interest. The committee chair shall inform the Board Secretary of all new committee members so that the Secretary can update the master list of committee members.
Before each year's World Service Conference
- The Conference Committee will ask each World Service Conference delegate at the time of registration (typically six months before the conference) and at conference check-in whether they will remain on their committee for the following year.
Within two weeks of the prior World Service Conference
- The Conference Committee will supply the delegates' committee choices to the Secretary for the master list of committee members.
Within one month of the prior World Service Conference
- ISRs shall inform the Secretary in writing of the top two committee choices of all the GSRs in their Intergroup Area. If a GSR is already on a committee and would like to stay on that committee, the ISR shall include that information.
- ISR shall include their own top two committee choices or their intent to continue to serve on their current committee in the information they send to the Secretary.
- If a group is not part of an active intergroup with an ISR, the GSR will advise the Secretary directly of their top two committee choices.
Within six weeks of the prior World Service Conference
- The Secretary, in consultation with the Chair of the Board of Trustees, will use the information from the ISRs, GSRs, and Conference Committee to ensure that each of the WSC Committees has approximately equal numbers of members with interest in, and skills for, their assigned committee.
- This may necessitate asking current members to serve a different committee.
During the rest of the year
- If a group that did not previously have a GSR elects one, the new GSR shall advise the Secretary directly of their top two committee choices within two weeks of their election.
Procedure for Determining Committee Chairs
- Only GSRs and ISRs shall qualify to serve as committee chairs. Committee chairs shall have at least one year of back-to-back GreySheet abstinence when they assume the role.
- The term of office for committee chairs is 24 months with rotation occurring the month of the meeting of the WSC. Committee chairs may serve two consecutive terms.
Three months prior to the end of the outgoing chair’s term
- The committee will elect the incoming chair in consultation with the GSAWS President.
- The incoming chair who will work alongside the outgoing chair until the time of the conference.
- The incoming chair does not need to be an existing committee member.
Within one month of the election of the new chair
- The committee shall inform the Secretary of the election of the new chair.
Procedure for Filling Vacancies Between Conferences
- Should a chair vacate their position between conferences for any reason, the committee will elect a replacement and inform the Secretary within one month. If the committee is unable to choose a replacement Chair, the Chair of the Board of Trustees in consultation with the committee will appoint one within one month.
- Should a committee member vacate their position between conferences for any reason, the committee will inform the Secretary who will work with the committee to identify a qualified replacement if possible.
Procedure for Committee Volunteers
Committees may involve other GreySheeters Anonymous members with at least 90 days of back-to-back GreySheet abstinence as Committee Volunteers to complete specific tasks and projects to further the work of the committee. Committee Volunteers are not committee members. Committee Volunteers may attend committee meetings at the invitation of a committee member, but they may not vote on committee decisions.