Public Information Committee Chair and Members
The Public Information Committee delivers one of the four core services of GSA World Services. We are responsible for carrying our message to the public so that we achieve our vision, When anyone anywhere realizes they have a problem with food, they think of the GreySheet solution. Currently we do this in four ways: Three social medial channels aimed at the public; personal stories on the website; publishing events on the website and GSA World Services Facebook page, and providing guidance to individuals, groups, and intergroups via the Public Information Manual.
Requirements: Volunteers have 90 days abstinence, GSRs have one year of abstinence. Two-year term. 2-4 hours a month.
World Service Specialist Position: “Welcome Contact”
Duties: Return calls and emails from the public, including potential new members, and from existing members. Refer members to appropriate service entity. Call within two hours. Email same day. Volume 25-50 calls and emails a month. THIS IS A DELEGATE-ELIGIBLE POSITION. This means that the registrar may vote in the World Service Conference.
Requirements: Five years abstinence. One-year term. 3-4 hours a week. or
CONTRACTOR: Social Media Manager
Duties: Manage our social media presence by working with the Public Information Committee to create posts to carry the message to the public. Publish posts on agreed schedule analyze the impact. THIS IS A PAID POSITION.
Requirements: Proven experience managing social media for not-for-profit organizations. If a member of GreySheeters Anonymous, Abstinence: 1 year. Term: 1 year. 2-3 hours a month.