Intergroups marked


Area intergroups consist of a collection of GreySheeters Anonymous groups which work together to support the member groups in carrying out GSA’s primary purpose. Each member group sends a Group Service Representative (GSR) to meetings of the intergroup.

The member GSRs elect one Intergroup Service Representative (ISR) to serve the fellowship as a delegate of the World Service Conference. The ISR is only elected by those who are themselves elected by the groups, i.e., the GSRs.

  1. NOTE: As described in the WSC2013 approved structure, in the majority of GSA intergroups, the ISR chairs the meetings of the intergroup. An intergroup may choose to assign this function to another intergroup officer.
  2. NOTE: GSA Area Intergroups are analogous to A.A.’s Areas or Delegate Areas in that it holds the middle position in the conference structure. See Chapter Four: The Area Assembly and Activities in the A.A. Service Manual.

How GreySheeters Anonymous Formed Area Intergroups

Since each area intergroup elects a delegate to the World Service Conference meeting and the World Service Conference makes policy that affects GreySheeters Anonymous as a whole, the area intergroups are equitable in the number of registered GreySheeters Anonymous groups they represent. In 2013, the World Service Conference determined the composition of area intergroups to ensure that all GreySheeters Anonymous members are fairly represented in the conference. The way that the World Service Conference did that is by applying these two criteria:

Equitable Representation: Each area intergroup represents an approximately equal number of GreySheeters Anonymous groups.

  1. An area intergroup may be a small geographic region, such as Manhattan, because there are many groups in the area.
  2. An area intergroup may be a large geographic region, such as Continental Europe, because there are fewer groups in the area.

Effective Communication: Each intergroup is composed of the number of groups that can reasonably be represented by one delegate to World Service Conference. “Reasonably represented” means that

  1. The ISR can establish effective two-way communication with the members and groups they represent between area intergroup meetings.
  2. Meetings of the area intergroup members, i.e., the GSRs, officers, and coordinators, can function effectively.

Maintaining Intergroup Status

Once the registered groups in an approved intergroup area form themselves into an intergroup organization, they shall submit the intergroup information to GreySheeters Anonymous World Services providing the name, abstinence date, and contact information for the elected ISR and officers as well as the meeting schedule and access information.

Expectations for GreySheeters Anonymous World Services

  1. Assign the ISR to the World Service Conference committee of their choice.
  2. Assign a liaison from the Board of Trustees.
  3. Invite the ISR to join the Chairs/ISRs business meeting.
  4. Arrange an email account for the ISR.
  5. Approve purchase of GreySheets for distribution by the intergroup.

Expectations for the Intergroup

  1. Meet regularly to communicate World Service information to member groups.
  2. Participate in World Service meetings such as World Service Conference, Chairs/ISRs business meeting, conference committees, Committees Connecting, Traditions and Concepts, Town Halls, Delegate preparation, etc.
  3. Follow policies and procedures of GreySheeters Anonymous World Services, for example, Distribution of GreySheets, Translation of GreySheet copyright material, A.A. Intellectual Property, etc.
  4. GreySheeters Anonymous meetings during events (round ups, retreats, gatherings, etc.) sponsored by the intergroup meet the same criteria as meetings of registered GreySheeters Anonymous groups, e.g., they use A.A. and GSA conference approved literature and ensure that the GreySheet comes with a sponsor. This restriction does not apply to other types of activity during the event, for example, workshops, meditations, etc. or to the event itself. For example, an event may sell non-GreySheeters Anonymous Conference Approved Literature between meetings, or a workshop may use non-GreySheeters Anonymous Conference Approved Literature.
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